ISSUE 4 THEME: "Rejection"
Given everything, it only seems fitting that the theme for the next
issue be "Rejection". So, send your poems, short stories, flash fiction,
and creative non-fiction about rejection. If it's good and
well-written, we want it. If it's maybe been rejected a few dozent times
already, try sending it our way. Make it creative. Every one has read
the classic boy meets girl, girl rejects boy. How about a city turning
against a major sports figure after signing somewhere? How about
rejection of a donated organ? Maybe your credit card got rejected when
you were trying to buy Christmas presents for your children.
Some Weird Sin is a small town literary magazine for small time
writers. In other words, what we're looking for are writers who are
just looking to get their names out there and say that they have been
published. That doesn't mean we don't want submissions from established
names, though. What we want especially: youth and adolescents trying
to "break into the scene"; people who have never been published before;
Ohio locals (especially with Ohio-themed work); people whose friends and
family don't know they have an extensive archive of original writings;
writers who aren't afraid to bend the mold just slightly; British
writers (just because we're slight Anglophiles).
This is what we're looking for: anything CREATIVE. Poetry, short stories, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, etc. Please no dull term papers littered with citations, blatant trashy
romance or street lit, or screenplays. This is not a traditional print
publication, so we are not too worried with length (though that doesn't
mean you can send us a 20k word manuscript!). Other than the
aforementioned, we are open to all themes, genres, points of view, etc.
accept submissions by e-mail only. In your e-mail please include a
brief bio (including age if you think we'll be astounded by how young or
how old you are and your current place of residence--you need not be specific here) and brief
introduction to your piece explaining what it is and why you wrote it
(literally, two sentences), in addition to one very, very interesting
fact about yourself (think hard about this one) as well as the
approximate number of rejection letters you have received to date (DO NOT
include how many times you have been published). Please do not send us
that overly verbose cover letter you have prepared for other
publishers: your work will sell itself. If your e-mail is more than
half a page in length, we WILL delete it without reading it. We
do not care about where all you have been published or how much you have
written or what fancy degrees you might have--this is not a time to
brag. When submitting, please limit yourself to one piece of prose or
four poems. You may copy and paste the text into the body of your
e-mail or attach it as a word document. If submitting with an
attachment, please make sure your name and e-mail address are on the
first page of the document. We are a limited staff with many other
commitments, so please be patient when waiting for a reply. Please do
not submit again until at least one month has passed from the time of
response to your last submission.
E-mail your submissions to someweirdsin27 at gmail dot com
be aware that this is not a paying publication. This magazine is
available for free online with a limited run printing, so we have no money to give you. If you're
looking to simply make money off your writing, this isn't the
publication for you. By submitting, you give us the right to publish your piece one
time (we're counting online and in print as 'one time' since it's the same magazine just a different form). If we wish to use it again or in any other manner, we will always
ask first. You retain all rights to your piece upon publication. If you choose to publish it elsewhere after us, please give us credit.
If you would like, please also include your Twitter handle, so we can give you a follow if we don't follow you already.
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