Monday, December 12, 2016


Just over two years ago I took a new job working in pediatric mental and behavioral health. During that time, Some Weird Sin fell to the wayside. Instead, I dedicated myself to writing a new young adult manuscript, which I have since finished and begun subbing to countless agents--all of them giving me lovely form rejection letters. That has taken me back to why I started Some Weird Sin in the first place: countless rejections. With so many changes in my life over the last two years such as a new job, a new car (thanks Bambi's mom!), my best friend joining the Marines and living on the West Coast, and several amazing trips I never imagined I would take, it is time to come back to Some Weird Sin and give it new life with a fourth issue due out in spring 2017. In the past we've printed issues, but at this time I cannot make a commitment to printing copies and as such, it'll only exist as an online incarnation. We'll see how things go. Unfortunately, this must still remain a non-paying publication.

Given everything, it only seems fitting that the theme for the next issue be "Rejection". So, send your poems, short stories, flash fiction, and creative non-fiction about rejection.  If it's good and well-written, we want it. If it's maybe been rejected a few dozent times already, try sending it our way. Make it creative. Every one has read the classic boy meets girl, girl rejects boy. How about a city turning against a major sports figure after signing somewhere? How about rejection of a donated organ? Maybe your credit card got rejected when you were trying to buy Christmas presents for your children. Check the guidelines and send an email. Looking forward to reading your words.

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