Monday, July 16, 2012

Meet Hanif, Our First Feature Writer

This is Hanif in his own words:
                “Hanif Abdurraqib is a poet, and excellent high-fiver from Columbus, Ohio. He is a member of the 2012 Writer's Block poetry slam team, which won the 2012 Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam. He really wants a pug, yet has not gotten a strong enough desire to actually look for one over the course of the past year. Poetry is just what he does when he's not running around the city taking pictures of himself in fast food restroom mirrors.”

This is Hanif in my words:
                Hanif is a super cool guy.  He’s an amazing writer, super funny, loves sports, and he really knows how to rock a snapback and cardigan.  I’ve heard Hanif read a lot, though I can’t recall the first time.  What sticks out to me though, was last December at the last Writer’s Block Poetry open mic of 2011; Hanif read a “list rant” poem about music in 2011.  He had me dying, especially when he read the line “After two albums of failed relationships, maybe you’re the problem, Adele.”  His delivery, no matter the style, is as close to perfect as you can get.  Hanif is a member of the 2012 Writer’s Block Poetry slam team out of Columbus, Ohio and will be traveling to the National Poetry Slam in Charlotte, North Carolina next month along Rose Smith, Gina Blaurock, and Vernell Bristow.  This is a very solid team, especially after a great outing at the 2012 Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam, which they won.  Hanif also hosts his weekly open mic, Pen & Palette Poetry, at Travonna Coffee in the Short North in Columbus.  I was finally able to attend last week and had a great time.  Hanif is just as great of a host as he is a poet.  He gave me a pretty awesome introduction, which I don’t think I’ll be forgetting anytime soon.  If you ever get the chance to watch him read, please make sure you do because you won’t forget it. 

Look forward to reading Hanif’s “Keep The Carbon, Leave The Bible” in our first issue.  This is how he describes it: “Very loosely based off of a true story, in the way that "Transformers" films are documentaries on the auto industry, this piece was inspired by a night spent in a bar with a friend on the 41st anniversary of the Kent State shootings, upon analyzing a picture of Mary Vecchio crying over her dead classmate hanging on the wall of the bar.”  This is probably my favourite line: “And there are instructions for autopsies carved into the girl’s bathroom wall with switchblades from way past curfew chest pockets.”

To date, Hanif has yet to receive a rejection letter (a remarkable feat!).  He also says he’s helping save the world: “I dance only three times per year. But when I do, the Earth moves closer and closer to doomsday, with each step. So, my lack of dancing is really saving the world.”

1.       How did you get started in writing? In other words, what inspired you? One day you weren’t a writer and the next, you were—what changed?
Ha. Well, my relationship status, for one. I am among the millions who were dragged to writing by a scavenger hunt for pieces of a broken heart. I also didn't write poetry first. I wrote music a lot. That clearly didn't work out.

2.       What do you like to write? Any particular genres, themes, topics, etc?
I like to write about the things that we all go through, and don't talk about as freely as we'd like to. I like to write about the things that kind of ping-pong around our minds, but never make it any further. If it can open up a heartfelt conversation about the human condition, especially within a somewhat apathetic generation, I want to tackle it, as artistically as possible. Also, music. And girls. I'm kind of like Brian Wilson before the drugs, sometimes. Minus the surfing. 

3.       What is your favourite colour?
Whatever color Anne Hathaway is currently wearing. 

4.       What would you say inspires you the most? Is your writing fueled purely by emotion, topical in nature, or are you just trying to tell a story?
I would like to think it can both be fueled by emotion, and tell a fantastic story. If there is no emotion in the work, the story won't go very far. I'm inspired be the generation of kids who are/were just like me. Trying to live up to the expectations placed on us by our elders, trying not to crumble entirely. Taking risks in every way possible.

5.       Who are some of your favourite writers? What do you like about them? How have they influenced your writing?
Well, this is something that can go a lot of ways. Some of my favorite writers aren't poets. Bruce Springsteen is a large influence on me. I learned how to tell stories in three minutes from Bruce's music. You learn how to paint effective pictures in as little time as possible listening to what he's capable of. Aaron Sorkin is a big influence on me, as far as unique pace, and clever angles. Bret Easton Ellis' work really resonates with me as well. Making the shockingly abnormal seem beautiful. Poetry-wise....I like Carl Solomon a lot. I mean, we've all read "Howl" and heard Ginsberg shout "Carl Solomon! I am with you in Rockland!" and all of that, but Solomon's work is brilliant. I got my hands on his two chapbooks that came out in the 60's. Crazy stuff. I am a really big student of poets and poetry, so this is not going to be a short answer. I find myself influenced by so many other poets in the slam scene, or the Columbus scene, in general. Jason Brazwell is a big influence on my work. Possibly the biggest. Listening to him taught me to use humor as a tool, and not a gimmick. Scott Woods' philosophies on poetry are often spot on, and things that anyone can learn from. I dig really deep into the work of Emily Rose, from Chicago. It's diverse, challenging, and always interesting. Will Evans' work really taught me a lot about imagery, and the idea that in YOUR poem, you can literally do anything you want with your environment, to make your story more compelling. Rachel McKibbens' work REALLY gets inside the hearts of everyone, does some really beautiful damage, and then puts everything back together again, in just the right place. I strive for that, at times. There are many, many more. All of Columbus' poetry scene has pushed me to improve, and challenged my work. Columbus' scene is really rich with a variety of different writers, and to be able to go out and hear an Ethan Rivera, or a Rachel Wiley, or a Vernell Bristow almost every week, gives you no real chance but to work on your craft. I have studied the work of so many performance poets, I'm literally ashamed to name all of them.

6.       If you could only listen to one album and only one album for the rest of eternity, which album would it be and why?
Most likely the Clash's "London Calling". I am a bit of a music nerd, I used to write about music for a living, so I have a pretty intense relationship with it. London Calling, for me, is the perfect album. It takes you through an entire cycle of feelings. It's punk. It's dance. It's romance. It was at the end of the 70's. Everyone's hearts were on fire, and no one had any clue how to put them out. There was a lot of real passion there.

7.       If you could force your worst enemy to listen to one album and only one album for the rest of eternity, which album would it be and why?
Oh, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if I really have a worst enemy, these days. I'd like one. I've got to stay on my toes, and one can't do that if everyone likes them. That said, for the sake of a general answer, I would go with the worst album by a really good artist. Great artists always have an album where they just drop the ball. And I think it'd be more painful to listen to that than anything. To know that you're listening to a person with incredible talent, who just couldn't put it together. So, I'll say Johnny Cash's "Gone Girl".

8.       Other than writing, what would you say are some of your favourite hobbies and pastimes?
"I'm just a regular guy, man. I make good grilled cheese, and I like girls." - Justin Bieber. 

Outside of that, I really love the city I live in. I'm beyond thankful to have my days filled with things I love doing and being a part of. I bake. I don't eat much of what I bake, and I surround myself with people who don't like to hurt my feelings, so I have no idea how good I am at it. I'm big into collecting records, and I'm a huge sports fan. I've enjoyed having sports conversations with poets....when I first entered the scene, I felt like no poets were also sports fans. I'm all about sitting and talking. Probably too much. My porch is also a meeting hall, church, romantic getaway, and juke joint. 

9.       What is the biggest and best journey you have ever taken in your life? You may interpret this question however you wish.
Really, simply learning to love and trust people close to me. And understand that it's alright to feel good about the things I create. I'm always struggling with confidence, in as many ways as my mind will allow me to. That journey is definitely the biggest. It's also been the best, thanks to all of the community I've been fortunate enough to come across.

10.   You’ve made it pretty well known how much you love Columbus, Ohio. In three words or less, tell us why.

11.   How did you come to host a poetry open mic every Thursday night? In general, how did you get involved in the poetry scene?
Well, I was kind of just around when Travonna Coffee House (where Pen and Palette is held) was opening up. And the owner, Travis, asked me if I wanted to get a poetry night started. I was REALLY apathetic. I mean, this was two and a half years ago. I wasn't particularly interested in poetry then, but I DID know a few poets. Eventually, I gave in, started the night, and I'm really surprised that we've been going for as long as we have. We have been fortunate to have a great growing audience, we've gotten fantastic features, as well.We decided to start having features every month in about December. We've been fortunate to get great poets, and great people. It means a lot to me to be able to contribute in that way. My life on the poetry scene began there. And grew as I started going to nights other than my own. There's not only a lot of poetry in Columbus....there's a lot of GOOD poetry in Columbus. I'm glad I can chip in a humble offering. 

12.   What would you say has been your greatest moment or achievement as a slam poet? Are there any performances that really stick out?
My greatest moment as a slam poet? Being able to sit at the Rustbelt Poetry Slam, and be fortunate enough to represent Columbus on a finals stage. And being able to watch some of the best performances I've ever seen. I don't know if any of MY performances stick out, but I'm proud to say that I was a part of a finals stage that was simply jaw dropping. THEIR performances stick out. Neil Hilborn's poem "Audiobook". THAT performance sticks out for me. In my slam "career", that was one of my favorite performances ever. Look it up. [Or you can just click here]

13.   As someone who has very quickly climbed the ranks of the poetry world, what advice can you give to young writers out there who are interested in the poetry scene?
Listen far more than you write. If you hear a poem you like, talk to the poet about it. Don't be afraid to ask poets about their work. They want that, most likely. Study poems. Study devices. Keep listening until you find your voice, and when you do, don't sacrifice it for anything. Don't write for scores. Don't write for attention. It's easy when you love your work more than the rewards your work may bring. Also, hug early. Learn to love hugs. You'll never make it out of this scene alive if you can't hug. 

Watch Hanif read “You’re Mother told Me to come up here and Kill You (My Black Friends)” at the 2012 Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam:

And here’s Hanif talking about Columbus and poetry:

You can follow Hanif on Twitter @NifMuhammad

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